Introducing Site Gallery…

Site Gallery is Sheffield’s leading international contemporary art space, supporting artists specialising in moving image, new media and performance. Pioneering emerging art practices and ideas, we work in partnership with local, regional and international collaborators to nurture artistic talent and support the development of contemporary art. At the heart of what we do, is to connect people to artists and to art, inspiring new thinking and debate through our public programmes and participatory activity.

Our Change Creation Plan

In July 2014 we secured major investment to realise ambitious plans which will see Site Gallery treble in scale, greatly enhancing the contemporary visual art experience in the region. The development will bring key changes to the current building, including much larger galleries, allowing larger-scale exhibitions and providing visitors with space to reflect and respond to works, and a new education and events space will be housed on the ground floor.

As part of our expansion, we will be launching a new business model which includes trebling the scale of the exhibitions space, launching a new catering enterprise, book-shop, and reception, creating a front of house model, growing our hires business and expanding publishing and merchandising.

We want to embed new commercial models. This will involve designing the model, building consensus across our partners, stakeholders and staff, and making sure our processes, systems, and resources support and help to fine-tune our approach.

We will be recruiting, embedding and developing our staff in a new structure and ensuring our communications reach our audiences, artists, customers, tenants, staff and stakeholders to ensure we are capturing their ideas and feedback as we embark on this change journey.

Judith Harry

Judith is Site Gallery’s Executive Director. Before working at Site Gallery, Judith was Deputy Director at Ikon for 5 years, Birmingham’s leading contemporary art venue. During this time she was also Chair of Grand Union Studio Space and Vice Chair of Arts Council England’s CVAN network. Having held senior roles at FACT and Liverpool Biennial, she started her career in the arts at National Museums’ Liverpool and in the Arts Council Office North West.