We've got answers... have you got questions?

Has COVID-19 affected your plans for a new programme?

These are unprecedented times. Organisations, people and communities that we care passionately about are all being affected in different ways. We remain committed to supporting the arts and cultural sector, the wonderful leaders that inspire people and organisations, the artists and freelancers who bring us joy, creativity, inspiration and passion.

We’re developing a range of tools and resources that are freely available for anyone to access. We want to share the insights, advice, and ideas across the cultural sector to help organisations survive during these times.

We’re hosting weekly panels with sector specialists that you can access and share from our ‘free resources’ page. We’re hosting daily surgeries via our people make it work website. You’ll also find daily videos from sector specialists who are on hand to support organisations.

This is our response to COVID-19 in the short-term. In the medium to longer term we will be developing new programmes of work to support the sector. We’re not sure yet what they will be – it’s important that respond to the changes in our landscape and sector to remain essential and relevant. We will therefore be working hard with stakeholders, peers, networks and funders to develop future programmes that meet the needs of organisations across the sector.

If you’re interested in future programmes and accessing support please do contact us and we’ll keep you posted.

When does the next Change Creation programme start?

We had a staggering response, to our second programme, and so much so, we’re committed to creating future programmes to support the arts and cultural sector. We’d originally planned a programme to start in September 2020, but in the current COVID-19 crisis we’re reviewing this. What we are certain of, is that we will  continue to work and develop programmes of support for the cultural sector, so whilst we’re uncertain of the time frame, we remain committed to helping arts and cultural organisations facing change, and seeking to create change in their organisations.

If you’re interested in future programmes and accessing support please do contact us and we’ll keep you posted.

How do I apply?

Our application process it simple…. However at this time we’re reviewing the timescales of the next programme due to COVID-19. If you’re interested in the next programme please do come back soon as we’d love to hear from you. Or if you want to contact us we’ll keep you updated when we’ve got confirmed plans for future programmes of support.

Contact us

I'd like talk to someone to find out more...

We’d love to talk to you. If you’d like to talk about the programme, how we’re developing our future plans to support arts and cultural organisations during COVID-19 and beyond,  let us know and we’ll arrange a time to talk.

Who can apply?

The Change Creation programme, in its current format, is open to all arts and cultural organisations across the UK, and this includes local and public sector bodies with an arts and culture agenda.

During COVID-19 we’re reviewing future programmes to make sure that the programme remains relevant and essential to arts and cultural organisations. We know that organisations will be faced with many challenges during these times and we want to create programmes of support that meet these challenges, as well as thinking further ahead. So at the moment, we’re not recruiting for our third programme as planned and we’re reviewing this constantly. This does not mean that there won’t be a future programme – we’re completely committed to designing and delivering programmes that will support the ecology and sector. It does mean however that future programmes will reflect the changes and challenges we have faced and the timescales, content and format may be different.

We’re in constant communication with stakeholders, organisations, funders and partners to make sure that we offer support that is relevant and critical to the sector.

What are the fees for Change Creation programme?

This is under review due to COVID-19.

Can you offer financial support for organisations with smaller budgets?

This is under review due to COVID-19. Essentially we’re committed to making sure that all our support, our programmes and resources are available to organisations of different size, scale and artform. We worked really hard to secure funding for the programme to ensure we could offer places on the programme to organisations who couldn’t afford it and we hope that we will be able to do the same for future programmes.

We acknowledge, that now, more so than ever organisations are facing new and different financial challenges and our programmes and support will be mindful of this.

Is there a curriculum for the Change Creation programme?

The curriculum is based on the needs of the individuals, their organisation and their change plans, so all the cohort members are asked to identify their areas of need and with that information, we create a tailor made programme that will include 6 residential workshops and 18 one day intensive workshops that might include business modelling, marketing, audience development, income generation, leadership, coaching, diversity, project management, stakeholder engagement, alternative finance, social impact evaluation and measurement… and more!

What's the deadline for applying?

We’re currently reviewing our programme in light of the COVID-19 crisis. We are committed to supporting arts and cultural organisations so there will be packages / programmes of support in the coming months.

You might also like to check out peoplemakeitwork.com where there are daily surgeries, weekly panels and experts on hand to support organisations during these times.

There will be future programmes of support for arts and cultural organisations and we’ll keep you updated on timescales and deadlines for applications as and when some certainty is practicable.

Until then – keep well, safe and healthy and contact us if you’d like to talk more about the support that is available.

Where can I find the application form?

We’re currently reviewing our plans for the next Change Creation programme due to COVID-19. Whilst we don’t know what form this might take, we do know that we’re committed to the arts and cultural sector, and will develop future programmes of support to enable leaders of arts and cultural organisations to create and lead change.

As soon as we have clarity about the landscape that we’re operating in, we will be back here to post updates and news about future programmes.

What's the application process?

We’re currently reviewing the situation due to COVID-19.

We planned to run a new programme in September 2020, but given the circumstances and financial challenges that organisations are currently facing we know that we have got to change our plans.

We’re therefore not recruiting for the third programme at the moment, but we’d still love to hear from you and support organisations across the sector. For more information about how we can help, please do get in touch. 

How can I connect with organisations on the programme?

There are lots of ways to find out more about the organisations on the Change Creation programme, their change plans and their leaders.

Sign up to our newsletter, and we’ll keep you up to date with blogs, vlogs, free resources and learning from everyone in the Change Creation cohort. You can also access free resources from the programme. Check out our free resources section.

Can I access the HUB?

The HUB is where the cohort will be discussing their change plans, learning and insights. It is a ‘closed’ site for the cohort, some of the resources, tools and insights will be available for free, for anyone, and you can access those from the ‘Free Resources’ section of the website… Resources and tools will be updated monthly so please do keep connected.

What changes are the organisations are making?

Each organisation has identified the changes that they need to make to them more resilient. There are some really exciting and ambitious changes planned across the cohort, that will see organisations relocate, expand, develop new income streams, establish new structures and governance, reach new audiences and shift organisational culture.

If there is an organisation going through similar changes to you, let us know and we’ll connect you.

Do you have an organisational development toolkit?

The resources and tools that we develop will be made available via the ‘Free Resources’ section on the website. We don’t use off the shelf solutions, because we don’t believe there are ‘off the shelf’ organisations so everything we develop will be to support the change plans of the cohort. They will cover a range of topics and issues that will include Change Management, Engaging Stakeholders, Developing Strategy, Shifting Organisational Culture, Diversifying Income Streams, Alternative Finance, Leadership, Social Return on Investment, Advocacy and Influencing, Embracing Digital Technologies, Fundraising, Governance…. so we’re sure that you will find tools and resources that useful to you, your organisation and the changes you are planning. Why not take a look at our ‘Eight elements of change’ model and let us know if you’d like to find out more.

I’d like to talk to someone about my organisation’s change plans.

We’d love to talk to you. Change Creation is designed, developed and delivered by people make it work, one the most experienced organisational development consultancies in the UK, working in the cultural sector for more than 19 years. people make it work has supported some of the best cultural organisations in the UK, helping their leadership and teams to evolve and develop, to build strength, resilience and relevance in today’s challenging contexts.

Nearly 90% of our projects come from recommendations and referrals, but if you don’t already know us, then just drop us a line… we’re really looking forward to meeting you!

As you will have noticed, this website is dedicated to the Change Creation programme, designed and delivered by people make it work. It’s a two year programme for leaders of arts and cultural organisations. If you are looking for the limited company called ‘change creation’ run by Trevor Jarrett and Shaun Price and based in Billericay, then please redirect to www.changecreation.co.uk. We get the impression that Trevor and Shaun are nice fellas and have a good team around them, but this link shouldn’t be considered a recommendation, referral or promotion of their company, we’re just being good neighbours and helping you find who you are looking for. Thanks!