Introducing Peckham Platform…

Peckham Platform is an organisation that believes communities can inform and shape their engagement with their locality by working with contemporary visual artists. The relaunch of the new gallery in 2019, will see an expanded artistic programme including: co-commissioned exhibitions; open access learning space and dedicated social art research facilities.

Our Change Creation Plan

The relaunch of Peckham Platform’s new gallery in 2019, is an opportunity for organisational step change as well as an artistic one. In an age of austerity topics such as ‘place making’ and ‘civic roles’ are increasingly on the cultural agenda. There is a sense of urgency to this conversation that we feel part of. With our new and expanded space and facilities we want to be more embedded with the communities that we serve.

Our vision for change is critical to the future of our organisation, and significant to Peckham and to the cultural sector more broadly. Through our work we want champion meaningful co-production. We want to support artists to create new artworks with people, build new relationships, open up dialogue and build bridges across cultures that might not otherwise exist.

We will deepen our relationships with social artists and our immediate communities through our co-commissioned exhibition programme; we will increase the range and number of people engaging with our open access learning space and we will expand our network of social arts researchers in order to co-create dedicated social art research facilities.

Emily Druiff

Emily was Peckham Platform’s founding Director and is now its Artistic Director and CEO.  Her knowledge and belief in the power of social arts practice to make contemporary art more relevant to people’s every day lives is what drives the curatorial vision and future expansion of the organisation.